
Sunday, May 23, 2010

Why can I control my voice better if I sing about 7~8 hours after my wake up time?

Alright, we all know we can't sing as soon as we wake up. And after about two hours I wake up, my vocal cords has finally waken up as well, and I can feel it better. But when I try to sing, I can't really control my comes and goes like that. But after about 6 hours I start singing, I can control my vibrato really well and also can change dynamics a lot better. And about 7~8 hours I start singing, my voice sounds really beautiful and my vibrato is constant. And by the way, I did this experiment by waking up and not singing a note at all until 6 hours after wake up time, or 8 hours after wake up time. So I have not warmed up my voice at all...except for maybe talking.
Why can I control my voice better if I sing about 7~8 hours after my wake up time?
If I had to wait 7 to 8 hours to sing to sound great, I would be in TROUBLE. I've had performances that call me to sing as early as 8:30 in the morning, and singing opera/classical music takes more energy and range than many vocal genres out there. You have got to learn how to function as a singer everyday to learn how to sound beautiful from the morning to the night. You will only limit yourself as a singer if you think we have to wait that long to sing well!!

How do you warm up when you sing? Do you warm up at all? You must vocalize your COMPLETE range everyday in order to be vocally prepared for anything. You shouldn't sing a note until you vocalize. Some people take up to 10 minutes for vocalization to feel warmed up. Singers need to be warmed up just like athletes. You will never see a sprinter just start running without warming up and stretching. Singers are the same way. Vocalize with CORRECT diaphragmatic breathing technique. Learn how to relax your entire body and release the tension from your neck, shoulders, etc. Don't overwork the body when you sing. Perhaps the reason you feel vocally free as the day progresses, is because your body is more relaxed and you have talked more. The body is totally connected with singing. The more relaxed you are, the easier it is to sing.

Controlling ones vibrato also has nothing to do with the time of day. I can handle my vibrato any time of day. This comes from practice and knowledge about how my body works when I sing. I would suggest seeking a professional voice teacher or someone who has knowledge of the voice to show you how to improve your vocal ability throughout the day. A real singer can sing anytime of the day because they know what they are doing, and the know how to vocalize correctly to get full use of their range. You have to get in the habit of doing so yourself. If you need more tips and are serious about vocalization tips, feel free to e-mail me. Good luck to you.
Reply:Ok, so you answered your own question. Interesting experiment though. I find that the later it gets in the evening the harder it is to sing better.
Reply:If you haven't warmed up your vocal cords there are things to do. Rinse your mouth and gargle warm water, maybe even have a cup of tea of something. Cold water will restrict your vocal cords and take them longer to warm up. Then do some scales and practice exercises for thirty minutes. Eventually your voice will get used to the routine you give it.

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