
Saturday, November 7, 2009

Is it time for man to believe again,hope again,time to sing and time to stand up and get counted again?

Is it time for man to believe again,hope again,time to sing and time to stand up and get counted again?
Its time for fairy tales to come to and end and for humans to take responcibility for their own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors instead of doing whatever the hell they want and then saying"God forgave me its okay now".

Time for us to work for the betterment of our species.
Reply:Yes!! Seriously this world is so courrupt and it was predicted in the bible that it would be so. We especially me as the youth need to take a stand for our faith and not be ashamed. We were having worship today at my christian school and i was the only one singing in the audiance.. its pretty sad.. we need to rise up as a generation for the Jesus Christ!
Reply:Believe in what? Hope for what? Sing what songs? Be counted by whom?

This question is ambiguous beyond belief. Did you get this out of some self-help book or what?
Reply:Someone will knock your beliefs, someone will shatter your hope. There is no point to sing because no one will listen to you and who cares if your counted or not when a baby is replacing your existence.
Reply:Just know when to hold em, know when to fold em. Know when to walk away, and know when to run.
Reply:yes recall again, sing psalms, all things again
Reply:It's time for man to stop credulously accepting your religious nonsense.
Reply:No, not until afternoon tea and a quick game of pictionary.
Reply:Not yet.

There are still too many wrongs to be righted.

Humankind needs a leap of consciousness.
Reply:Man is welcome to do that. This woman wants proof, not faith.
Reply:What are you talking about? You leave much to be questioned.
Reply:Amen Rev.
Reply:It is time to take a seat.
Reply:Yes, it is.
Reply:Yes...and not focus on false religions either. But alas, that time will never come....
Reply:it's time for man to start thinking
exotic names

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